1. What is aurastride?

aurastride is a modern headless CMS and composable app platform that provides a flexible and efficient way to manage and deliver content. Designed for developers, content creators, and businesses, it streamlines content creation and distribution to any channel or device, thanks to its API-driven approach.

2. What is Headless CMS?

A headless CMS is a backend-only content management system that acts as a content repository. Unlike traditional CMS platforms, it doesn’t concern itself with how the content is presented or displayed. Instead, it provides content to the frontend via APIs, making it possible to showcase your data on any device or channel.

3. Why Headless CMS?

Headless CMS platforms are gaining popularity due to their flexibility and versatility. By separating the content presentation layer from the content management system, developers have the freedom to use any technology stack for the frontend, while content creators can focus on producing the content without worrying about the intricacies of how it’s displayed.

4. What is GraphQL?

GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for executing those queries with your existing data. It provides a more efficient, powerful, and flexible alternative to the traditional REST API. It allows clients to request exactly what they need and nothing more.

5. How is GraphQL different from REST?

GraphQL differs from REST in that it allows clients to tailor requests, so they receive exactly the data they require in a single query, rather than multiple endpoints that return fixed data structures. This can result in more efficient data retrieval and reduced load on the server.

6. Why GraphQL?

GraphQL’s ability to fetch multiple resources in a single request, its efficient error handling, and the way it simplifies data fetching and manipulation make it a very appealing choice for modern web and mobile applications that require dynamic content delivery.

7. What are the most popular use cases of aurastride?

aurastride shines in a variety of scenarios such as multi-platform publishing using Headless CMS, Composable Workflows, Backend as a Service (BaaS), Lead Management & CRM and any situation where tailored content delivery is critical. It’s exceptional in environments that demand agility, scalability, and performance.

8. Do you collaborate with implementation partners?

Absolutely! We value collaboration and have a network of development partners. Partnering with us opens up new opportunities for mutual growth. Reach out through our Contact page to explore partnership possibilities.

9. How is aurastride different from traditional CMS such as WordPress?

Unlike traditional CMS platforms like WordPress, which come with front-end design constraints, aurastride is headless, meaning it provides total freedom for your front-end choice. With our API-first approach, content delivery becomes faster, more flexible, and future-proof, perfect for omnichannel strategies.

10. Can I use aurastride without writing code?

Yes, you can. aurastride offers a range of no-code and low-code solutions, enabling non-technical users to manage content and set up workflows with ease. This allows content creators to operate independently from the development team when needed.

11. What kind of content can I manage?

With aurastride, you can manage just about any type of content you can imagine. From blog posts and articles to product catalogs, customer profiles, multimedia assets, and more. If your business needs it, aurastride can handle it.

12. What is a content model?

A content model is a structured representation of the types of content within CMS such as articles, product, events, etc. Content models typically include details such as fields name, data types, validations and relationship with other content models.

In simpler terms, a content model acts as a template for organising and managing content within CMS. It helps content creators and administrators understand how content should be structured, what information it should contain, and how it relates to other content models.

13. What are content fields?

Content fields are individual pieces of data that make up a content entity within a CMS. Content fields include various types of data, such as text, numbers, dates, lists, files, or rich text.

In simpler terms, content fields are like the building blocks of a content model. They define the different elements that make up a content model, allowing content creators to input and organise information in a structured manner. For example, a blog post may have content fields for the title, author, publication date, content body, featured image, categories, and tags.

14. Can I import my existing data into auratride?

Yes, you can! Utilise our import wizard to seamlessly transfer your data into aurastride. Define your content model, structure your data, and import it using Excel files. Alternatively, leverage aurastride’s out-of-the-box APIs to import data from another system.

15. Can I export my data from auratride?

Absolutely! Use our export wizard to conveniently export your data from aurastride into Excel files. Additionally, you can employ aurastride’s built-in APIs to retrieve your data and transfer it to another system.

16. Do you provide ongoing support?

Yes, we do! Our monthly plan includes 2 hours of call support and ongoing email assistance during business hours. For extended support, consider opting for one of our support packages. Contact us to learn more about our extended support offerings.

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